At Peakirk Cum Glinton Primary school, we recognize the importance of Computing and how it is used in an ever-changing technological world. We strongly believe Computing is a key skill that all children should master, as it is integral to prepare children to live in a world where technology is continuously evolving. All pupils will use a range of technology throughout their time at our school including Chromebooks, iPads and interactive whiteboards. We want all pupils to develop a love for Computing and strive to reach their full potential with the vast array of technology available to them. We strive to develop technological curiosity by providing pupils with fun, inspiring computing links within our curriculum. Pupils will be able communicate their ideas well through the use of different software and devices. Underpinning this is a commitment to ensuring that online safety is central to our curriculum offer.
Through Computing, pupils will:
At Peakirk cum Glinton Primary School we follow the National Curriculum for Computing and the DFE approved scheme 'Teach Computing' to use a variety of programs to develop skills in multiple areas of Information Technology.
These units of work are used in KS1 and KS2
The sequence of Computing units provide a way for teachers to link different factors of life to technology as well as progressing an understanding of the uses of technology and skills developed in using them.
PCGs Computing Scheme is based on the Teach Computing Scheme of Work and Planning. We understand that we live in a world where technology develops at a rapid pace, and so adjustments are made to the scheme when necessary.
All pupils start the year learning about internet safety, as well as learning how to type efficiently, using BBC Bitesize's Dance Mat Typing.
Each lesson has a specific outline that includes set expectations that should be included:-
At the start of each unit, the teacher will complete a verbal quiz with the children to see what they understand about the technology they will be using, and then at the end of the unit, children will type up a short report on what they have looked at, or submit their projects.
The intended impact of the Computing curriculum is that the majority of children in each year group are at expected or greater depth. In addition, it is the intended impact that the children: