Intent Statement
At Peakirk Cum Glinton Primary School our aim is to maximise the opportunities for all our children in sport, to enable them to fulfil their full sporting potential. Our school is working consistently to raise standards and achievement in sport across the school, by improving the quality of teaching in this subject through the continued professional development of all teaching staff. We are committed to promoting healthy and active lifestyle choices across the school in all curriculum areas and in partnership with our school cook. Since April 2019 we have utilised our purpose built Daily Mile track and recognise the importance of this initiative for wellbeing. We take every opportunity to participate in local tournaments and competitions against our neighbouring schools and offer a range of after school sports clubs. We have an inclusion policy throughout the school whereby all children are encouraged to participate in all sports whatever their ability. All children get the opportunity to participate in a sporting festival at least once a year from Foundation through to Year Six.
As well as being physically active and appreciating the wide range of activities we have to offer we ensure pupils are aware of the importance of positive mental health, eating healthily as well as drinking plenty of water.